Nadis are subtle cylindrical pipes that branch out from centers in the physical and astral bodies and transmit psychic currents to different areas. Through these Nadis the fundamental power of life (Prana) surges. They are composed of delicate astral substance and are undetectable. These Nadis are not the nerves or
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Over 5000 years ago in the ancient Sanskrit texts of India, the Chakras were first documented. Today spiritual teachers of the East and the West both still refer to them as being key to spiritual development. All spiritual practices, either directly or indirectly, will awaken the Chakras and eventually the
As per Eastern philosophies and culture and Yogic practices, 'Mudras' are systematic hand gestures. Literally, Mudra in Sanskrit means a posture/seal. More deeply, "closed electrical circuits" of the subtle channels in physical and etheric bodies are also known as 'Mudras'. Some Western writers have defined 'Mudra' as mystic hand gestures used to
There are three types of bandhas; mula, uddiyana, and jalandhara bandha. When practiced together they are called tri-bandha. They are practiced together or individually at specific times during kriya, asana, pranayama, mudra, visualization, and meditation practice. They also occur spontaneously especially in children, but also in yogis who can allow