Day: November 2, 2019 (Page 2)

Vriksasana (vrik-shah-sə-nə; Sanskrit: वृक्षासन; IAST: vṛkṣāsana) or Tree Pose is an asana. The name comes from the Sanskrit words vriksa or vriksha (वृक्ष, vṛkṣa) meaning “tree” and asana (आसन) meaning “posture”. From Tadasana, weight is shifted to one leg, for example, starting with the left leg. The entire sole ofContinue Reading

Utkatasana (oot-kah-tah-sah-nah; Sanskrit: उत्कटासन; IAST: Utkaṭāsana), Chair Pose, Fierce Pose, Hazardous Pose, Lightning Bolt Pose, Wild Pose or in Bikram Yoga Awkward Pose is an asana. The name comes from the Sanskrit words utkata (उत्कट, utkaṭa) meaning “wild, frightening, above the usual, intense, gigantic, furious, or heavy” and asana (आसन)Continue Reading

Virabhadrasana (IPA: [ʋiːrɐbʱɐd̪rɑːsɐnɐ]; Sanskrit: वीरभद्रासन; IAST: Vīrabhadrāsana) or Warrior Pose is an asana commemorating the exploits of a mythical warrior. Etymology:- The name of this asana is rooted in Hindu mythology. The myth is that the the powerful priest Daksha made a great yagna (ritual sacrifice) but did not inviteContinue Reading

Adho Mukha Vrksasana (ah-doh moo-kah vriks-SHAHS-anna) adho mukha = face, downward (adho = downward; mukha = face), vrksa = tree the handstand, translating to Downward-facing Tree Pose. In capoeira, it is named bananeira. A handstand is an act of supporting the body in a stable, inverted vertical position by balancingContinue Reading

Astavakrasana (Sanskrit: अस्तवक्रसन; IAST: Aṣṭāvakrāsana), Eight angled Pose or Astavakrasana is an asana. The pose is dedicated to the sage Astavakra, the spiritual guru of King Janaka. It is told that when the sage was in his mother’s womb, his father Kagola made several mistakes while reciting the Vedas. HearingContinue Reading

Bakāsana (Sanskrit: बकासन, Crane Pose), often used interchangeably with Kakasana (Sanskrit: काकासन, Crow Pose) is an asana. In all variations, Crane/Crow is an arm balancing asana in which hands are planted on the floor, shins rest upon upper arms, and feet lift up. Etymology:- The two names for the asanaContinue Reading

Bhujapidasana (Sanskrit: भुजपीडासन; IAST: Bhujapīḍāsana) or Shoulder pressing posture is an asana. The name of this asana comes from Bhuja (Sanskrit: भुज) meaning “arm” or “shoulder”, Pīḍa (Sanskrit: पीडा) meaning “pressure” and Asana (Sanskrit: आसन) meaning “posture”. Bhujapidasana is an arm supported asana in which the base of support isContinue Reading

Kukkutasana (Sanskrit: कुक्कुटासन; IAST: Kukkuṭāsana), Cock Pose or Rooster Posture is an asana The name comes from the Sanskrit words kukkuṭā meaning “cock” and asana (आसन) meaning “posture” or “seat”. Step by Step:- Sit on the ground with your head and spine erect. Extend your legs forward such that yourContinue Reading

Mayurasana (Sanskrit: मयूरासन) or Peacock Pose is an asana where the individual assumes a peacock-like posture. This asana tones up the abdominal portion of the body. It also strengthens the fore arms, wrists, and elbows. The name comes from the Sanskrit words Mayura (मयूर) meaning “peacock” and asana (आसन) meaningContinue Reading

Savasana (shah-vah-sah-nah; Sanskrit: शवासन; IAST: śavāsana), or Corpse Pose is an asana. The name comes from the Sanskrit words Shava (शव, Śava) meaning “corpse” and Asana (आसन, Āsana) meaning “posture” or “seat”. Description:- Shavasana or mrtasana (death pose) Shavasana is perhaps the most important part of yoga practice. Lying onContinue Reading